Geo Enviro Solutions Limited

GeoEnviro Solutions Ltd


GeoEnviro Solutions are here for you, every step of the way.

Geoenviro are site investigation specialists offering ground investigation, geotechnical and environmental services to architects, builders, structural and consultant engineers, local authorities and private industry.

With offices in West Yorkshire and Cambridgeshire, we are ideally situated to cover projects nationally.

GeoEnviro have a dedicated team of geotechnical and environmental engineers. Our extensive industry experience, coupled with the robust support of our sister company, Borehole Solutions Ltd, enhances the strength of our service.

At GeoEnviro, quality of information, collaboration, value engineering, project delivery and sustainability underpin everything we do.

Our Services & Solutions

We specialize in the following services and solutions

Phase I Environmental Desk Studies

The purpose of a Phase 1 Environmental Desk Study is to identify any potential sources of contamination, receptors, and pathways in the area of land under consideration. Identifying all previous land uses is key, since pollutants have the potential to travel away from the source, depending on the local geology, groundwater, surface area and superficial deposits.

Phase II Geotechnical & Environmental Ground Investigation

GeoEnviro Solutions Ltd can offer extensive and effective Phase 2 site investigations in order to discharge a planning condition, investigate potential environmental liabilities, or to enable a more cost-effective targeted remediation strategy.

Phase III Remediation Strategies / Statements

Remediation is the act of rendering a site ‘fit for purpose’ under the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). In its broadest definition, it is taking previously developed land and making it suitable for redevelopment, in its many forms.

Phase IV Validation / Verification Reports

We can support our clients through the full process of remediation works, providing design, supervision and monitoring of works undertaken. Local authorities often require proof of the completion of these remediation works.

Coal Investigations

If your site lies within a Coal Mining Development High-Risk Area, planning applications are required to include a Coal Mining Risk Assessment (CMRA). A CMRA analyses data provided by the Coal Authority and assesses the associated risks of coal mining related hazards within the proposed site area.

Insitu Testing (CBR, Plateloads)

Dependent on the end use of a site, it may be necessary to perform plateload or California Bearing Ratio tests (CBR) on any proposed weight bearing areas.

Renewables & Energy

Renewables and Energy industries require a variety of different services that we can provide, from wind turbine foundations, road design and crane platforms, focusing on design optimisation. We have the expertise and facilities to conduct the site investigations and offer practical solutions across a wide range of sites.

Investigation & Supervision Of Remedial Works

Remedial ground works is the process of taking an area of land and making it suitable for its intended re-development. Therefore, the term remediation covers many activities and solutions for land development projects.

Testing Of Imported Fill & Waste Acceptance Criteria Testing

If you are going to remove material from site, you have a duty of care to ensure that you have adequately characterised your waste for disposal offsite to landfill. Most waste soils can be classified by the landfill operator based on a standard range chemical analysis carried out during the site investigation.

Slope Stability Analysis/Retaining Wall Design

Slope stability analysis is a static or dynamic, analytical or empirical method to evaluate the stability of earth and rock-fill dams, embankments, excavated slopes, and natural slopes in soil and rock. Slope stability refers to the condition of inclined soil or rock slopes to withstand or undergo movement.

Pile Platform Design

Using data from an existing ground investigation or new in-situ testing, working (piling) platform designs and crane pad stability assessments can be undertaken.

Soakaway Testing & Design

Soakaways are used to collect surface water run-off prior to discharge into the surrounding soil. Soakaways are constructed in areas where the surface water run-off cannot be disposed into existing sewers or watercourses.

Topographical & GPR Surveys

A topographical survey is a detailed accurate plan identifying both natural and artificial features within a specified area. The plan will show all features such as buildings, boundaries, manhole covers and site levels. The results of a topographical survey are normally delivered in digital format (DWG, DXF). We can also supply scaled paper copies at client’s request.

Consultancy/ CPD/ Training/ Expert Witness

GeoEnviro Solutions Ltd can offer short training courses and CPD activities, for your company and for individuals. We aim to provide interesting and informative training to maximise the potential of your business and employees, giving you a broader range of knowledge and insight into the industry.