Phase IV Validation Verification Reports
Phase IV Validation Verification Reports
Maintain The Highest Quality Of Work, In Order To Pass Any Conditions Imposed
Whilst remediation is the act of rendering a site ‘fit for purpose’ under the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), validation is the process by which the evidence is gathered and presented to verify that the proposed and agreed upon remediation strategy has been carried out.
Here at GES we specialise in a variety of validation related services, but mainly that of chemical contaminants from site related sources or more what is more generally known as “contaminated land”.
We can support our clients through the full process of remediation works, providing design, supervision and monitoring of works undertaken. Local authorities often require proof of the completion of these remediation works. Being involved from the beginning of these projects allows us to keep detailed records and help you to maintain the highest quality of work, in order to pass any conditions imposed by your local authority.
The validation report provides a full record of remediation activities carried out on site and contains accurate documentary evidence and data collected in accordance with the requirements of the Remediation Strategy and implementation plan. This includes the technical details of the systems installed, visual evidence of the installation and the inclusion of any invoices, transfer notes, etc.
Validation, also known as Verification, is a reactive process and is difficult to predict the duration and extent of the involvement of the independent assessor, such as GES. On this basis, based on our experience, we offer our clients a budget based on anticipated workload and provide regular updates as to how the work / budget is progressing through the validation process.
For short term remediation projects such as adopting a BRE cover system, validation can even be carried out upon completion of the remedial activity. The downside of this approach is that we would need to advance validation hand pits in the finished conditions and all the potential disturbance that would entail.
It is more usual to provide a ‘watching brief’ during the remedial work and report accordingly.
When dealing with a cover system remediation, none of this negates the need to confirm that any material brought onto site for use in soft landscaping areas (e.g., gardens) is, itself, also ‘fit for purpose’ and suitable for use in its intended location. We would always need to collect validation samples for the imported material.
Validation of groundwater remediation is a long-term commitment, as generally, the processes adopted for groundwater remediation are long term in themselves. Quite often validation of this process is achieved by showing a reduction in concentration of the Contaminant of Concern over time with a prediction of when full validation will be achieved, a process of monitored attenuation.
GES have the capability to validate the installation of gas protection scheme in accordance with CIRIA C735, with on site inspections carried out in accordance with Appendix A5 of that guidance.
Validation of former mine workings, mine shafts and ground improvements can all be undertaken in a variety of similar approaches. These range from confirmatory boreholes, Surface Wave Testing and Analysis, insitu CBR testing, amongst others.
We have the capability to:
- support the validation activities through the planning process,
- identifying that key targets are met,
- providing a range of on-site management services, from a simple watching brief to full time site attendance for the more complicated or location sensitive remedial works,
- monitoring procedure and protocols,
- information management, and
- attendance at project meetings.
Not only do we have the technical ability to validate remediation projects, but we also have the commercial awareness to understand cost is also a factor in remediating a site and whatever remediation strategy is adopted must not only comply with the necessary legislation and guidance but also be commercially viable within the remit of the development project and be validated in a clear and concise manner.
Our aim is to maintain the highest quality of work, in order to pass any conditions imposed.
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